Some of these talks can be heard as podcasts; just click on the link in question.
There are also a number of podcasts of public lectures and interviews on my
media-appearances page.
14 August 2024: 'Epistemic Crimes and Misdemeanors: A Game-Theoretic Perspective on Violating Epistemic Norms', presented to the Epistemic Accountability Workshop, Notre Dame University, Sydney, Australia.
17 July 2024: 'Comments on "How effect sizes may fail rational decision makers"', presented to Formal Epistemology Workshop at the Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.
26 February 2024: 'Conspiracy Theories and Evidence', presented to the Department of Philosophy at the University of Arkansas, Little Rock, USA.
14 December 2023: 'Why Mathematical Explanation is Not All in the Head', presented at the "From Metaphysics to Aesthetics Workshop", University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia.
5 July 2023: 'Explanatory and Non-explanatory Proofs in Mathematics', presented at the Australasian Association of Philosophy Conference', Melbourne, Australia.
15 May 2023: 'Toy Statistical Models and Legal Reasoning', presented in the Mind, Epistemology, Neuroscience, Thought, and Language Seminar, University of California, Davis, USA.
10 May 2023: 'Explanatory and Non-explanatory Proofs in Mathematics', presented in the Logic and Metaphysics Seminar, City University of New York, Graduate Center, New York, USA.
28 April 2023: 'Explanatory and Non-explanatory Proofs in Mathematics', presented in the History and Philosophy of Science and Medicine Seminar, Washington University, St Louis, USA.
17 February 2023: 'Mathematical Assumptions in Representation Theorems', presented at the workshop "Indispensability of Mathematics to Philosophy", Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy, Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich, Germany, online.
21 November 2022: 'What's So Bad About Epistemic Bubbles?', presented to the Formal Epistemology Workshop, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.
7 October 2022: 'Explanatory and Non-Explanatory Proofs in Mathematics', presented to the Department of Philosophy at the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, online.
4 October 2022: 'Statistics in the Courtroom', presented to the Sydney University Mathematics Society, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia.
6 July 2022: 'Explanatory and Non-Explanatory Proofs in Mathematics', presented to the Department of Philosophy at the University of California, Davis, USA.
30 June 2022: 'Explanatory and Non-Explanatory Proofs in Mathematics', presented to the Department of Philosophy at the University of Miami, USA.
17 June 2022: 'Analogical Reasoning with Toy Models', presented at the "Mathematics and Analogical Reasoning Workshop" at the Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy, Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich, Germany, online.
10 March 2022: 'Desert Island Theorems', presented to the Sydney University Mathematics Society, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia.
23 June 2021: 'Toy Statistical Models and Legal Reasoning', presented to the Institute for Risk and Uncertainty, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK, online.
19 May 2021: 'Legal Evidence', presented to the University of Sydney Philosophy Society and University of Sydney Law Society, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia, (joint presentation with David Hamer from Law).
30 April 2021: 'Where There's Smoke There are Conspiracy Theorists', presented to the Sydney-Utrecht Conspiracy Theory Workshop, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia, online (joint presentation with Hannah Tierney and Tim Smartt).
18 March 2021: 'Where There's Smoke There are Conspiracy Theorists', presented to the Tahoe Environmental Research Center, University of California, Davis, USA, online (joint presentation with Hannah Tierney and Tim Smartt).
11 March 2021: 'Who's Afraid of Inconsistent Mathematics?', presented to the Sydney University Mathematics Society, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia.
26 November 2020: 'The Philosophy and Mathematics of Rational Decisions', plenary lecture at New Zealand Mathematics and Statistics Postgraduate Conference, New Zealand, online.
9 November 2020: 'The Role of Toy Statistical Models in Legal Reasoning', invited presentation at Princeton-Rutgers Foundations of Probability Seminar, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, USA, online.
5 November 2020: 'The Explanatory Turn in the Philosophy of Mathematics', invited symposium presentation in "Science Without Numbers: 40 years Later", online.
6 May 2020: 'Biodiversity and Triage', presented to the Gradient Institute, Sydney, Australia, online.
2 April 2020: 'From Fine Tuning to Improbability', presented to the Sydney University Mathematics Society, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia, online.
12 December 2019: 'The Role of Toy Statistical Models in Legal Reasoning', presented to the Philosophy Department, Arizona State University, Phoenix, USA.
9 December 2019: 'Logic in Fiction', presented in the Logic and Metaphysics Seminar, City University of New York, Graduate Center, New York, USA.
6 December 2019: 'Musical and Mathematical Notations', presented in the Philosophy of Mathematics Seminar, Princeton University, Princeton, USA.
2 December 2019: 'Explanatory and Non-Explanatory Proofs', presented to the Department of Mathematics, University of Memphis, Memphis, USA.
31 October 2019: 'Logic in Fiction', presented to the School of Philosophy
at the Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.
17 October 2019: 'From Disagreement to Consensus', presented at the Effective Altruism Group at the University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia.
5 September 2019: 'Logic in Fiction', presented to the Philosophy Current Projects Seminar Series, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia.
29 August 2019: 'Legal Probabilism', presented in the Julius Stone Institute of Jurisprudence seminar in the Law School of the University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia (joint presentation with Brian Hedden).
29 August 2019: 'For and Against Platonism', presented to the Sydney University Mathematics Society, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia (joint presentation with Kristie Miller).
9 August 2019: 'Crime, Punishment, and Statistical Evidence', presented at the Legal Epistemology Workshop at the University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia (joint presentation with Katie Steele).
3 July 2019: 'The Role of Toy Statistical Models in Legal Reasoning', presented at the Munich-Sydney-Turin Philosophy of Science Conference "Statistical Reasoning and Scientific Error" at Carl Friedrich von Siemens Foundation, Munich, Germany.
28 June 2019: 'Environmental Triage', presented in the Philosophy of Science Seminar at Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
26 June 2019: 'Crime, Punishment, and Statistical Evidence', invited lecture in the Utrecht Philosophy Lectures series and masterclass on formal epistemology in the Department of Philosophy at The University of Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
13 June 2019: 'If 13 were Not Prime: Mathematics and Counterpossibles', invited paper at conference "Explanatory and Heuristic Power of Mathematics" at Sapienza University, Rome, Italy.
7 March 2019: 'The Game of Love', presented to the Sydney University Mathematics Society, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia.
7 February 2019: 'Crime, Punishment, and Statistical Evidence', presented at the Institute of Philosophy, University of Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany.
16 November 2018: 'Crime, Punishment, and Bare Statistical Evidence', presented in the Stanford Philosophy Colloquium Series, Stanford University, Stanford, USA.
9 November 2018: 'If 13 were Not Prime: Mathematics and Counterpossibles', presented at the Berkeley Logic Colloquium at the University of California, Berkeley, USA.
11 June 2018: 'Counterpossibles and the End of Explanation', presented at the Munich-Sydney-Turin Philosophy of Science Conference at the University of Turin, Italy.
8 June 2018: 'Crime, Punishment, and Specific Evidence', keynote presentation in the workshop "Evidence in Statistical, Biomedical and Forensic Sciences" Polytechnic University of Marche, Faculty of Medicine, Ancona, Italy.
25 May 2018: 'Analogical Reasoning via Mathematical Models', invited presentation at the Bergen Philosophy of Science Workshop, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway.
26 April 2018: 'The Philosophy and Mathematics of Rational Decisions', presented to the Sydney University Mathematics Society, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia.
19 April 2018: 'Counterpossibles and the End of Explanation', presented to the Philosophy Current Projects Seminar Series, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia.
29 January 2018: 'Crime, Punishment and "Specific" Evidence', presented to the Munich Centre for Mathematical Philosophy at
the Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich, Germany.
31 August 2017: 'Analogical Reasoning via Mathematical Models', presented to the Philosophy Current Projects Seminar Series, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia.
5 April 2017: 'If 13 Were Not Prime ...', presented to the Munich Centre for Mathematical Philosophy at
the Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich, Germany.
5 December 2016: 'Mathematics and Counterpossibles', presentation at the Logic and Metaphysics Workshop at
the City University of New York Graduate School, New York, USA.
28 November 2016: 'Crime, Punishment, and 'Specific' Evidence', presented to the Department of Philosophy at
the University of Miami, Miami, USA.
26 July 2016: 'Subtraction and Explanation', invited presentation at the workshop in honour of Stephen Yablo at
the Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.
6 July 2016: 'Response to Life in a Finely Tuned Cosmos', invited respondent to Luke Barnes "Life in a Finely Tuned Cosmos", Astronomy Society of Australia's Annual Harley Wood Lecture, University of Sydney, Australia.
4 July 2016: 'The Limits of Subtraction', presented at the 2016 Australasian Association of Philosophy Conference at
Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.
21 April 2016: 'Non-Natural Moral Explanation', presented to the Philosophy Current Projects Seminar Series, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia (joint presentation with Kristie Miller).
7 April 2016: 'Two Flavours of Mathematical Explanation', presented at the Roots of Deduction Workshop at the University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands.
7 December 2015: 'Counterpossibles in Mathematics', invited lecture at the "Explananza" workshop at the University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia.
8 August 2015: 'Mathematical Explanation', invited lecture at the 15th Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Helsinki, Finland.
6 August 2015: 'Biodiversity and Triage', invited lecture in a special session on "Future Earth" at the 15th Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Helsinki, Finland.
18 July 2015: 'Musical and Mathematical Notations as Models', presented to the 2015 Annual Conference of the Royal Musical Association Music and Philosophy Study Group,
at Kings College, London, UK (joint presentation with Tom Hall).
7 July 2015: 'Crime, Punishment and "Specific" Evidence', presented at the 2015 Australasian Association of Philosophy Conference at
Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia.
3 July 2015: 'Counterpossibles in Mathematics', invited lecture at the workshop "Determinism, Probability, and Conditionals" at
the Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.
2 July 2015: 'Two Flavours of Mathematical Explanation', presented at the 2015 Australasian Association of Logic Conference at
the University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia.
13 June 2015: 'Crime, Punishment and "Specific" Evidence', presented to the 2015 Conference of the Australian Society of Legal Philosophy, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia.
21 May 2015: 'Crime, Punishment and "Specific" Evidence', presented to the Philosophy Current Projects Seminar Series, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia.
21 April 2015: 'Crime, Punishment and "Specific" Evidence', presented to the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia.
10 April 2015: 'The Sorites is a Liar', presented to the Department of Philosophy at the University of Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan.
3 April 2015: 'Decision-Theoretic Models of Moral Agents', presented to the Tokyo Forum for Analytic Philosophy at the University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan.
18 December 2014: 'The Sorites is a Liar', presented at a workshop on Vagueness Via Nonclassical Logics", University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia.
16 December 2014: 'Decision-Theoretic Models of Moral Agents', invited talk at "Mind, Metaphysics, Ethics and Analysis" conference, Bundanoon, Australia.
3 December 2014: 'Looking High and Low for Explanation' presented to the Department of Philosophy,
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA.
24 October 2014: 'Mathematical and Musical Notation as Models', presented to the Department of Philosophy,
University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia.
28 August 2014: 'Looking High and Low for Explanation', presented to the Department of Philosophy,
Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand.
26 August 2014: 'The Art of Modelling: Lying By Omission', presented at the 2014 Society for Risk Analysis (ANZ) Conference: Risk Beyond the Numbers,
Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand.
8 July 2014: 'Mathematical and Musical Notation as Models', presented at the 2014 Australasian Association of Philosophy Conference at
the Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.
14 March 2014: 'Mathematical and Musical Notation as Models', presented to the Department of Philosophy,
National University of Singapore, Singapore.
14 March 2014: 'A Tourist's Guide to the Philosophy of Mathematics', presented to the Philosophy Graduate Students,
National University of Singapore, Singapore.
17 February 2014: 'Value of Information Studies and Monitoring in Conservation Biology', presented to the Moral, Social and Political Theory Group, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.
6 December 2013: 'Looking High and Low for Explanations', presented at the 2013 Swarthmore Mathematics and Philosophy Colloquium,
Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, USA.
28 October 2013: 'Value of Information Models and Data Collection in Conservation Biology', presented to the Philosophy Current Projects Seminar Series, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia.
4 October 2013: 'The Ins and Outs of Mathematical Explanation', keynote address at the 2013 Australasian Philosophy Postgraduate Conference, at the University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia.
12 September 2013: 'Value of Information Studies in Conservation Biology', presented at the 2013 Society for Risk Analysis (ANZ) conference,
Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.
20 August 2013: 'Value of Information Models and Data Collection in Conservation Biology', presented at the workshop "Philosophers and Ecologists Get Together" at Tromsø University, Tromsø, Norway.
8 August 2013: 'A Generalised Sorites Paradox', presented to the Department of Philosophy at Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark.
18 July 2013: 'Mathematical Explanation', invited presentation at the workshop in memory of Jack Smart at the Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.
11 July 2013: 'Looking High and Low for Explanation', keynote address at the 2013 Australasian Association of Philosophy Conference at
the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.
14 June 2013: 'The Sorites is a Liar', presented at the conference in honour of Graham Priest at the University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia.
17 April 2013: 'Notation as a Kind of Model', presented at the 40th Annual Dubrovnik Philosophy of Science Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
11 April 2013: 'Value of Information Models and Data Collection in Conservation Biology', presented at the 2013 Munich-Sydney-Tilburg
Models and Decisions conference, Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich, Germany.
12 March 2013: 'Environmental Philosophy: Beyond Environmental Ethics', presented to the Department of Philosophy at the University of Wollongong, Wollongong, Australia.
18 January 2013: 'The Ins and Outs of Mathematical Explanation', invited presentation at the workshop Explanation in Mathematics and Ethics at the University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK.
22 November 2012: 'The Ins and Outs of Mathematical Explanation', invited presentation at the workshop Causation, Dispositions and Probabilities in
Physics and Biology at the University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland.
19 November 2012: 'The Ins and Outs of Mathematical Explanation', invited presentation at the workshop Indispensability and Explanation at the Institut d'Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences,
University of Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne, Paris, France.
9 November 2012: 'Formal Methods in Environmental Management', presented to the workshop Formal Practical Philosophy, Venice, Italy.
14 August 2012: 'Environmental Philosophy: Beyond Environmental Ethics', presented to the Department of Philosophy at the University of Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch, South Africa.
2 August 2012: 'Where are the Laws?', presented to the Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study, Stellenbosch, South Africa.
30 July 2012: 'The Sorites is a Liar', presented to the Department of Philosophy at the University of Capetown, Cape Town, South Africa.
2 July 2012: 'Comments on "External Validity and Experimental Evolution"', presented at the 2012 Australasian Association of Philosophy Conference at
the University of Wollongong, Wollongong, Australia.
1 June 2012: 'Comments on "From Social Choice to Theory Choice"', presented at the 2012 Formal Epistemology Workshop,
Munich Centre for Mathematical Philosophy at the Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich, Germany.
24 May 2012: 'From Notation to Knowledge', plenary lecture at the conference
Philosophy, Mathematics, Linguistics: Aspects of Interaction at the Euler International Mathematical Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia.
17 May 2012: 'The Ins and Outs of Mathematical Explanation', presented to the Department of Philosophy, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia.
25 April 2012: 'Progress in Mathematics', presented at the 2012 Sydney-Tilburg The Progress of Science conference,
Tilburg University, Tilburg, The Netherlands.
5 March 2012: 'Yablo on Metaphor and Mathematical Explanation', presented to the Philosophy Current Projects Seminar Series, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia.
2 November 2011: 'The Ins and Outs of Mathematical Explanation', presented in the History and Philosophy of Science seminar at the University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.
28 October 2011: 'The Ins and Outs of Mathematical Explanation', presented in the Logic Cafe at the University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
27 October 2011: 'Do the Laws of Ecology Lie?', presented in the History and Philosophy of Science seminar series at the University
of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
20 October 2011:
'A Generalised Sorites', presented at the Munich Centre for Mathematical Philosophy at
the Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich, Germany.
6 October 2011: 'A Ricci Curvature Tensor by Any Other Name' presented at the
2011 Meeting of the European Philosophy of Science Association at
the University of Athens, Athens, Greece.
30 September 2011: 'Idealisations in Normative Models', keynote address at the workshop
Formal Epistemology Meets Experimental Philosophy at Tilburg University, Tilburg, The Netherlands.
27 September 2011: 'Social Epistemology meets Conservation Biology', invited talk at the
Copenhagen-Lund Workshop in Social Epistemology at Copenhagen University, Copenhagen, Denmark.
19 May 2011: 'A Generalised Sorites', keynote address at the
Formal Epistemology Workshop at the
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA.
17 May 2011: 'Understanding and Decisions Under Uncertainty', keynote address at
The Quinquepartite Combined Joint Warfare Conference, organised by the Joint Warfare Doctrine and Training Centre, RAAF Base Williamtown
and held at the Sheraton Four Points Hotel, Sydney, Australia.
9 April 2011: 'The Science of Decision', presented at the 2011 Sydney-Tilburg
The Authority of Science conference,
University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia.
24 March 2011: 'A Generalised Sorites', presented to the Philosophy Program of the
Research School of Social Sciences at the Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.
23 March 2011: 'The Ins and Outs of Mathematical Explanation', presented to the Department of Philosophy
at the University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia.
18 March 2011: 'Consensus Among Experts', presented to the Maritime Concepts and Capability Group,
Maritime Operations Division, Defence Science and Technology Organisation, Sydney, Australia.
25 February 2011: 'Mathematical Explanation', presented to the Melbourne Logic Group at the
University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia.
29 September 2010: 'Disagreement about Values', presented in the Australia and New Zealand Society for Risk Analysis Conference,
University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia.
14 September 2010: 'Idealisations in Normative Models', presented in the Theoretical Philosophy Seminar, Department of Philosophy at
Lund University, Lund, Sweden.
10 September 2010: 'The Sorites is a Liar', presented to the Institute for Logic Language and Computation at
the University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
16 August 2010: 'Idealisations in Normative Models', presented at the workshop
Surrogate Reasoning in Philosophy and Science at the Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.
6 July 2010: 'Why Weaseling Won't Work', presented at the 2010 Australasian Association of Philosophy Conference at
the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.
15 April 2010: 'Philosophy of Mathematics as Philosophy of Science', presented at the Sydney-Tilburg
The Future of Philosophy of Science conference, Tilburg University, Tilburg, The Netherlands.
13 April 2010: 'The Relativity of Environmental Value', presented at the conference
Cost–Benefit Analysis: Uncertainty, Discounting and The Sustainable Future at Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
18 November 2009: 'Environmental Decision Making and Environmental Ethics', presented to the Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics at ANU, Canberra, Australia.
9 November 2009: 'Recent Work in Formal Social Epistemology', presented to the Current Projects Seminar Series, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia.
28 October 2009: 'Vagueness and the Principle of Uniform Solution', presented to the Tilburg Centre for Logic and Philosophy of Science, Tilburg University,
Tilburg, The Netherlands.
22 October 2009: 'What's Maths Got to Do With It?', presented in a symposium on applied mathematics at the
2009 European Philosophy of Science Association Conference,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
15 October 2009: 'Vagueness and the Principle of Uniform Solution', presented to the Institute of Philosophy, University of London, London, England.
13 October 2009: 'Consensus, Compromise, and the "Wisdom" of Crowds', presented to the Department of Philosophy,
National University of Singapore, Singapore.
20 August 2009: 'The Conservation Game', invited paper in the session on
"Adaptive Conservation Decision Making and Expert Elicitation" at the
10th International Congress of Ecology: Ecology in a Changing Climate,
Brisbane, Australia.
14 July 2009: 'The Natural Environment Is Valuable But Not Infinitely Valuable', presented in a symposium on "Values in Environmental Science and Policy" at the
International Society for the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Biology Conference,
Brisbane, Australia (organised by the University of Sydney).
9 July 2009: 'A Ricci Curvature Tensor by Any Other Name', presented at the
2009 Australasian Association of Philosophy Conference at
the University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia.
5 July 2009: 'A Metaphysically Neutral Account of Mathematics in Science', presented at the
Metaphysics of Science Conference at the
University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia.
28 May 2009: 'Consensus, Compromise, and the "Wisdom" of Crowds', presented to the Department of Philosophy,
University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia.
17 December 2008: 'The Philosophical Problem of Applied Mathematics', invited speaker at the symposium "Unreasonable Effectiveness? Historical Origins and Philosophical Problems for Applied Mathematics"
at All Souls College, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK.
30 September 2008: 'Consensus Among Experts', presented at the Society for Risk Analysis Conference
at the Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.
29 September 2008: 'Aggregating Beliefs: Consensus versus Compromise', presented at the Society for Risk Analysis workshop
"Philosophical Reflections on Risk Management and Complex Systems" at the Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.
18 September 2008: 'The Relativity of Value', presented to the Russellian Society at University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia.
13 July 2008: 'The Ontological Commitments of Inconsistent Theories', plenary address at the
Fourth World Congress of Paraconsistency at the University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia.
7 July 2008: 'The Mating Game: A Philosopher Looks at Mating and Dating', presented at the
Heart of Philosophy Cafe, Melbourne, Australia.
21 May 2008: 'Do the Laws of Ecology Lie?', presented to the Genes-to-Geoscience Research Centre
at Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia.
24 April 2008: 'Applying Inconsistent Mathematics', presented at the
New Waves in Philosophy of Mathematics conference, University of Miami, Miami, Florida, USA.
10 April 2008: 'What's Maths Got to Do with It?', presented at the Sydney-Tilburg
Reduction and the Special Sciences conference, Tilburg University, Tilburg, The Netherlands.
16 February 2008: 'Comments on Stephen Gaukroger's "The Problem of Calculus"', presented at the
Baroque Science conference, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia.
25 October 2007: 'Environmental Philosophy: Beyond Environmental Ethics', inaugural professorial lecture to the University of Sydney Arts Association, Sydney, Australia.
27 September 2007: 'Relative Expectation Theory', presented to the Department of Philosophy at Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand.
26 September 2007: 'Idealisations in Normative Models', presented to the Department of Philosophy at the University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand.
19 September 2007: 'Probability in Law', presented to the Department of Philosophy at the University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand.
18 September 2007: 'What is and What is Not', an open lecture at the University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand.
25 July 2007: 'There's No Easy Road to Nominalism', presented to
the Russellian Society at the University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia.
3 July 2007: 'What Is the Principle of Uniform Solution and Why Should We Buy It?', presented at the
2007 Australasian Association of Philosophy Conference at
the University of New England, Armidale, Australia.
30 June 2007: 'The Lore of Large Numbers' presented at
the ANU-Sydney-Kyoto Probability Workshop,
University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia.
19 May 2007: 'What is the Principle of Uniform Solution and Why Should We Buy It?' presented at
the 35th Annual Meeting of the Society for Exact Philosophy,
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.
11 May 2007: 'Vagueness and Truth', presented to
the Department of Philosophy at the University of Miami, Miami, USA.
7 May 2007: 'Formal Models of Consensus', presented in the workshop on "Methodological Problems in the Social Sciences"
in the Tilburg Center for Logic and Philosophy of Science, Tilburg University, Tilburg, Netherlands.
3 May 2007: 'Probability and Law', presented to the Departments of Theoretical and Practical Philosophy at Lund University, Lund, Sweden.
25 April 2007: 'The Indispensability of Mathematics', presented to the Logic and Philosophy of Science Group at the Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich, Germany.
23 April 2007: 'Relative Expectation Theory', presented to the Department of Philosophy at the Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich, Germany.
16 April 2007: 'Mathematics: Myth, Metaphor, or Merely Misunderstood?', presented at the
34th Annual Dubrovnik Philosophy of Science Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
28 March 2007: 'Vagueness and Truth', presented to the Department of Philosophy at the University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia.
18 March 2007: 'What Is and What Is Not', plenary lecture in the Edge of
Reason public lecture series at the National Gallery of Victoria in Melbourne, Australia.
6 March 2007: 'What Is the Principle of Uniform Solution and Why Should We Buy It?',
presented to the Department of Philosophy at Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia.
9 January 2007: 'Vagueness and Truth', invited presentation at the Truth and Reality conference at the University of Otago,
Dunedin, New Zealand.
9 October 2006: 'Do the Laws of Ecology Lie?' presented in the History and Philosophy of Science seminar series at
the University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia.
10 September 2006: 'Idealisations in Normative Models' presented at the University of New England Rationality and Risk conference,
Coffs Harbour, Australia.
25 August 2006: 'Probability in Law' presented to the TC Beirne School of Law at the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.
18 July 2006: 'Risk and the Limitations of (Classical) Probability Theory' presented at the Australian Society for Risk Analysis Conference
at the University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia.
2 July 2006: 'What's Maths Got to Do with It?' presidential address at the 2006 Australasian Association of Philosophy Conference at
the Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.
19 May 2006: 'Relative Expectation Theory' presented at the 34th Annual Meeting of the Society for Exact Philosophy,
University of California, San Diego, U.S.A.
9 May 2006: 'Idealisations in Normative Models' presented to the Philosophy Department at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, U.S.A.
28 April 2006: 'Relative Expectation Theory' presented to the Philosophy Department at the University of Texas at Austin, U.S.A.
13 April 2006: 'What's Maths Got to Do with It?' presented at the 33rd Annual Dubrovnik Philosophy of Science Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
4 March 2006: 'Relative Expectation Theory', presented at the the Australian National University Probability Conference, Canberra, Australia.
20 January 2006: 'Modelling the Moral Dimension of Decisions' presented to the Philosophy Department at the University of Colorado at Boulder, U.S.A.
13 January 2006: 'Relative Expectation Theory' presented to the Philosophy Department at the University of California, Los Angeles, U.S.A.
13 December 2005: 'Modelling the Moral Dimension of Decisions' presented to the Philosophy Department at the Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.
5 December 2005: 'Relative Expectation Theory', presented at the 2005 Australasaian Association of Philosophy
Conference (New Zealand Division) at the University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand.
7 November 2005: 'Rationality in Action', presented at the University of Queensland Linguistics and Philosophy Cogitamus
at Stradbroke Island, Queensland, Australia.
10 October 2005: 'Do the Laws of Ecology Lie?', invited seminar presentation in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Adelaide,
Adelaide, Australia.
5 September 2005: 'Critical Literacy in a Thinking Society', invited keynote presentation at the
Festival of Thinking at Bond University, Gold Coast, Australia.
23 August 2005: 'Dutch Books and Bayesian Representation Theorems', presented at the
Prague International Colloquium on Dutch Book Arguments
at the Centre for Higher Education Studies, Prague, Czech Republic.
12 August 2005: 'Dutch Books and Bayesian Representation Theorems', presented to the Philosophy Program at the
University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.
5 July 2005: 'Modelling the Moral Dimension of Decisions', presented at the 2005 Australasian Association of Philosophy
Conference at the University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia. (Joint presentation with Damian Cox and Katie Steele.)
4 June 2005: 'Modelling the Moral Dimension of Decisions', presented at the 2005 UNE-UQ Philosophy Workshop at
the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. (Joint presentation with Damian Cox and Katie Steele.)
27 May 2005: 'Do the Laws of Ecology Lie?' invited seminar presentation to the CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems group,
Canberra, Australia.
9 May 2005: 'An Argument for Pluralism about Rationality', invited seminar presentation in the Department of Philosophy
at the University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia.
2 March 2005: 'Good Decisions or Happy Decision Makers?'
presented at the ARC Centre of Excellence for Mathematics and Statistics of Complex Systems Working Group on Decision Making for
Complex Problems in Conservation, at the University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia.
27 February 2005: 'A Formal Model of Consensus and Negotiation in
Environmental Management' presented at the ARC Centre of Excellence for Mathematics
and Statistics of Complex Systems Working Group on Decision Making for
Complex Problems in Conservation, at the University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia.
24 January 2005: 'Do the Laws of Ecology Lie?' presented to the Centre for Philosophy at the University of Manchester, Manchester, U.K.
6 January 2005: 'Do the Laws of Ecology Lie?' presented to the Department of Philosophy at the University of California, Santa Cruz, U.S.A.
29 December 2004: Invited commentator at a special symposium on the philosophy of mathematics at the
Eastern Division Meeting of the American Philosophical Association in Boston, U.S.A.
21 October 2004: 'Paradoxes: Experiments in Philosophy' presented to the University of Queensland Student Philosophy Association,
Brisbane, Australia.
23 September 2004: 'Do the Laws of Ecology Lie?' presented to the Philosophy Program of the
Research School of Social Sciences at the Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.
3 September 2004: 'What is Population Ecology?' presented at the Ecology Centre at the University of Queensland,
Brisbane, Australia.
30 July 2004: 'No Expectations: An Argument for Pluralism about Rationality' presented to the Philosophy Program at the
University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.
8 July 2004: 'Scientific Realism and Mathematical Nominalism: A Marriage Made in Hell'
presented at the 2004 British Society for the Philosophy of Science Conference at
the University of Kent, Canterbury, U.K.
1 July 2004: 'Mathematical Recreation Versus Mathematical Knowledge' an invited plenary lecture at the
Mathematical Knowledge Conference at the University of Cambridge, Cambridge, U.K.
4 June 2004: 'Rationality and Normativity' presented to the Philosophy Department at the
University of Urbino, Urbino, Italy.
19 May 2004: 'Scientific Realism and Mathematical Nominalism: A Marriage Made in Hell'
presented to the Philosophy of mathematics group at the University of Cambridge, Cambridge, U.K.
4 May 2004: 'Rationality and Normativity' presented at a joint seminar of the
Department of Philosophy and the Science Studies Group at the University of South Carolina, Columbia, U.S.A.
12 March 2004: 'Ecological Orbits: How Planets Move and Populations Grow' presented in
the School of Environment at McGill University, Montreal, Canada.
20 January 2004: 'There's No Easy Road to Nominalism' presented at the Center for Philosophy of Science
at the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
10 August 2003: 'A Second-order Model of Population Growth' presented
at the 12th International Congress of Logic, Methodology
and Philosophy of Science in Oviedo, Spain.
16 July 2003: 'Rationality and Normativity' presented at the International
Cognitive Science Meeting at the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.
7 July 2003: 'Naturalism and the Paradox of Revisability' presented
at the 2003 Australasian Association of Philosophy Conference at the
University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia.
2 May 2003: 'Naturalism and the Paradox of Revisability' presented to
the Department of Philosophy at the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.
25 April 2003: 'Problems with the Argument from Fine Tuning' presented in
a Foundations of Science Workshop at the Federal University of Santa Catarina in Florianopolis, Brazil.
14 February 2003: 'Ecological Orbits: The Role of Mathematics in Population Ecology'
presented to the Science Studies Group at the University of
South Carolina, Columbia, U.S.A.
11 September 2002: 'A Particularly Nasty Kind of Model Uncertainty' presented
to the Festival of Doubt at the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.
23 August 2002: 'The Galilean Turn in Population Ecology' presented to the
Department of Philosophy at the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.
16 August 2002: 'The Many Faces of Uncertainty' presented to the
School of Life Sciences at the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.
8 July 2002: 'Gaps Gluts and Borderline Cases' presented at the 2002
Australasian Association of Philosophy Conference at the
University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand.
5 July 2002: 'The Indispensability of Mathematics' invited presentation
at the Australasian Association for the
History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Science at the University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia.
This was part of an
author-meets-critics session
devoted to my book The
Indispensability of Mathematics, (OUP, 2001).
The critics were: Colin Cheyne, Alan Hazen, Graham Priest, and J.J.C. Smart.
29 May 2002: 'There's No Easy Road to Nominalism' presented at the
South American Association for the History and Philosophy
of Science Meeting in Aguas de Lindoia, Brazil.
2 May 2002: 'There's No Easy Road to Nominalism' presented to the
Department of Philosophy, California State University,
Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.
13 April 2002: 'An Argument for Ontological Vagueness' presented at
the Central Valley Philosophical Association Meeting at
California State University, Fresno, U.S.A.
28 February 2002: 'There's No Easy Road to Nominalism' presented to the
Department of Philosophy, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.
27 August 2001: 'Is it a Crime to Belong to a Reference Class?' presented to
the Department of Philosophy, University of Melbourne.
7 August 2001: 'Russell on Metaphysical Vagueness' presented at
the 2nd Principia International Conference in
Florianopolis, Brazil.
2 August 2001: 'The Galilean Turn in Population Ecology' presented in
the History and Philosophy of Science Colloquium at
Universidade Federal da Bahia, Salvador da Bahia, Brazil.
31 July 2001: 'Naturalism and the Philosophy of Mathematics' presented to
the Department of Philosophy at Pontificia
Universidade Catolica, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
12 July 2001: 'Beauty and Scientific Virtue'
presented in the 2001 University of Tasmania School of Philosophy
Public Lecture Series: "Vices and Virtues", Hobart, Australia.
2 July 2001: 'Problems with the Argument from Fine Tuning'
presented at the 2001 Australasian Association of
Philosophy Conference at the University of Tasmania.
(Joint presentation with Jay Garfield and Graham Priest.)
2 July 2001: 'There's No Easy Road to Nominalism' presented at the
2001 Australasian Association of
Philosophy Conference at the University of Tasmania, Hobart.
27 June 2001: 'The Galilean Turn in Population Ecology' presented at
the 2001 Australasian Association of History, Philosophy and
Social Studies of Science Conference at the University of Melbourne.
24 May 2001: 'Is it a Crime to Belong to a Reference Class?' presented
in the Science, Ethics, and Public Policy Seminar Series at the California
Institute of Technology.
11 May 2001: 'Mathematics and Aesthetic Considerations in Science'
presented at the Society for Exact Philosophy Meeting in Montreal, Canada.
23 April 2001: 'Problems with the Argument from Fine Tuning'
presented to the Department of Philosophy at the University of North Carolina,
Chapel Hill, USA.
11 April 2001: 'Is it a Crime to Belong to a Reference Class?' presented to
the Department of Statistics and Applied Probability,
University of California, Santa Barbara, USA.
3 April 2001: 'There's No Easy Road to Nominalism' presented to the
Department of Philosophy at California State University,
Fresno, USA.
8 March 2001: 'There's No Easy Road to Nominalism' presented to the
Department of Philosophy at the University of Connecticut,
Storrs, USA.
9 February 2001: 'Problems with the Argument from Fine Tuning' presented
to the Department of Philosophy, University of California, Santa
Barbara, USA.
28 September 2000: 'How Humans Approach Risk' invited lecture at the
Tasmanian Minerals Council Health and Safety Seminar:
Accident Investigation as it Relates to Hazard Management, Hobart, Australia.
22 August 2000: 'Is it a Crime to Belong to a Reference Class?' presented to
the School of Philosophy at Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia.
2, 9, or 16, August 2000: 'Paraconsistency and Vagueness' presented to
the School of Philosophy at the University of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia.
(Joint presentation with JC Beall.)
3 July 2000: 'Cox's Theorem and its Philosophical Importance'
presented at the 2000 Australasian Association of
Philosophy Conference at the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.
1 June 2000: 'Is it a Crime to Belong to a Reference Class?' presented to
the Philosophy Program of the Research School of Social Sciences at the Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.
31 May 2000: 'Philosophy's Role in the Taming of Uncertainty'
presented in the 2000 University of Tasmania School of Philosophy Public
Lecture Series: "Philosophy and the New Millennium", Hobart, Australia.
16 March 2000: 'Is it a Crime to Belong to a Reference Class?' presented to
the Launceston Philosophy Society, Launceston, Australia.
8 March 2000: 'Is it a Crime to Belong to a Reference Class?' presented to
the School of Philosophy at the University of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia.
10 February 2000: 'Is Probability the Only Coherent Approach to
Uncertainty?' invited paper at the Society for Risk Assessment Workshop on
Uncertainty held in Arlington, Virginia, USA.
20 January 2000: 'The Miracle of Applied Mathematics' presented to the
Department of Philosophy at SUNY, Stony Brook, USA.
14 January 2000: 'The Miracle of Applied Mathematics' presented to the
Department of Philosophy, University of California, Santa
Cruz, USA.
22 December 1999: 'Vagueness, Uncertainty and Supervaluations' presented
to Applied Biomathematics, Setauket, NY, USA.
13 December 1999: 'The Philosophy of Applied Mathematics' presented to the
Department of Philosophy, London School of Economics, UK.
3 December 1999: 'Holism and Ontological Commitment' presented to the
Department of Philosophy, University of
Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts, USA.
1 December 1999: 'The Miracle of Applied Mathematics' presented to the
Department of Philosophy, Smith College, Massachusetts, USA.
6 October 1999: 'The Role of Beauty in Science' presented to the
Launceston Philosophy Society, Launceston, Australia.
17 August 1999: 'Causal Explanation and Ontological
Commitment' presented at the 22nd International Wittgenstein
Symposium, in Kirchberg am Wechsel, Austria.
6 July 1999: 'The Miracle of Applied Mathematics' presented at the
1999 Australasian Association of Philosophy Conference at the
University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia.
12 May 1999: 'What's So Fuzzy About Uncertainty?' presented to
the School of Philosophy, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia.
22 October 1998: 'The Miracle of Applied Mathematics' presented to
the School of Computing, University of Tasmania, Launceston, Australia.
24 September 1998: 'The Miracle of Applied Mathematics' presented in
the University of Tasmania School of Mathematics and Physics Colloquia, Hobart, Australia.
15 July 1998: 'A Proposal for Fuzzy IUCN Categories and Criteria'
invited paper at the 12th Annual Meeting of the Society for Conservation Biology at
Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia.
14 July 1998: 'Conceptual Contingency and Abstract Existence'
presented at the 1998 Australasian Association of Philosophy Conference at
Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia.
7 July 1998: 'Against Intrinsic Value' presented to the
Philosophy Society of the University of Tasmania, Burnie, Australia.
8 April 1998: 'The Empirical Nature of Mathematical
Knowledge' presented to the School of Philosophy, University
of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia.
1 April 1998: 'Problems with Vagueness in Conservation Biology'
presented to the Philosophy Society of the University of
Tasmania, Launceston, Australia.
11 July 1997: 'The Empirical Nature of Mathematical Knowledge'
presented at the 1997 Australasian Association of Philosophy
Conference at the University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand.
26 February 1997: 'The Empirical Nature of Mathematical Knowledge'
presented to the Australian National University Philosophy
Society, Canberra, Australia.
11 July 1996: 'In Defence of Indispensability' presented at the
1996 Australasian Association of Philosophy Conference at the
University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.
20 June 1996: 'In Defence of Indispensability' presented to the
Philosophy Program, Research School of Social Sciences,
Australian National University, Canberra Australia.
13 June 1996: 'In Defence of Indispensability' presented to the
Department of Philosophy, University of New England, Armidale, Australia.
10, 11 or 12 April 1996: 'The Bubble of Belief' presented at the 4th
Philosophy Postgraduate Students Conference at the University
of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia.
7 February 1996: 'Can the Eleatic Principle be Justified?' presented to
the Australian National University Philosophy Society, Canberra, Australia.
25 October 1995: 'Causal Activity as a Mark of Existence' presented to
the Department of Philosophy, University of California,
Irvine, USA.
12 October 1995: 'Causal Activity as a Mark of Existence' presented to
the Department of Philosophy, University of North Carolina,
Chapel Hill, USA.
6 October 1995: 'Confirmation Theory and Indispensability' presented
to the Logic and Computing Group at Graduate Center of City University of New York, USA.
20 August 1995: 'Confirmation Theory and Indispensability' presented
at the 10th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and
Philosophy of Science in Florence, Italy.
4 August 1995: 'Confirmation Theory and Indispensability' presented
to the Department of Philosophy, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.
3 July 1995: 'Causal Activity as a Mark of Existence' presented at
the 1995 Australasian Association of Philosophy Conference at
the University of New England, Armidale, Australia.
9 May 1995: 'Causal Activity as a Mark of Existence' presented to
the Australian National University Philosophy
Postgraduate Student Seminar Series, Canberra, Australia.
5 February 1995: 'Naturalism' presented at the Australian National
University Philosophy Society Annual Camp at Kioloa, Australia.
19 November 1994: 'Quine's Indispensability Argument' presented at the
3rd Philosophy Postgraduate Students Conference at the
University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.
17 November 1994: 'Confirmation Theory and Indispensability' presented
to the Department of Philosophy, University of New England, Armidale, Australia.
8 November 1994: 'The Role of Beauty in Science' presented to the
Australian National University Philosophy Postgraduate Student
Seminar Series, Canberra, Australia.
12 October 1994: 'Confirmation Theory and Indispensability' presented
to the Australian National University Philosophy Society, Canberra, Australia.
19 October 1993: 'The Dirichlet Problem and Associated Topics in
Potential Theory' presented to the Mathematics Department,
University of New England, Armidale, Australia.
September 1993: 'The Dirichlet Problem' presented to the Mathematics
Department, University of New England, Armidale, Australia.